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La Golondrina
Aux alentours
Un petite zone commerciale ( dite " La Bergerie") est située a quelques 300m de la proprieté avec nombreux etablissements ,pour palier à toute necessité où sorties distractives
One girl shopping district (said " The Sheepfold ") is situated has some 300m of the property with numerous establishments, for landing in any necessity where taken(brought) out distractives
Restaurants ,bars,glaciers,etc
Restaurants, bars, ice-cream makers, etc.
Plusieurs boutiques , echoppes d'artisans ,vous acceuillent pour le shopping ou la curiosite
Several shops, workshops of craftsmen(architects), you acceuillent for the shopping or the curiosity
De nombreux , bars ,restaurants (dont certains de specialites )et pizzerias ,à quelques pas de la location ,vous permettent , sans utiliser votre vehicule ,d'aller manger de bons petits plats
Of numerous, bars, restaurants and pizzerias among which some of specialities a few steps away from the rent allow you, without using your vehicle, to go to eat good small dishes
Minimarket , tabacco shop
Une superette , bien achalandée, et un bureau de tabac , journaux- lotos -sont implantés dans la zone commerciale
A minimarket, stocked well, and a tobacco store, newspapers bingoes - are implanted in the shopping district
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